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Meet Our Founders

Stop looking outside yourself for the source of what's going on inside yourself!

Life Engineering Instructor
Therapeutic Imagery Master
Separation Reconciliation Therapist
Neuro-Linguistic Programming Clinician

Dwayne Vandervoort, D.D., C.Ht.,

Dwayne's life experiences and career have led to the research and development of a wide variety of personal enrichment techniques, programs, and curriculums, including the Vision Journaling™method of life-engineering, his unique blend of highly effective Visomeditative Imaging™ self-improvement treatments, a process of meditation that is of great benefit for opening deeper states of consciousness through the practice of a series of sensory deprivation techniques, known as Vipassana Insula. Additionally, over the last 20-plus years of practice, Vandervoort has developed a novel Separation Reconciliation Therapy™, regarded as a critical component in understanding a wide range of basic human dysfunction. Dwayne is a therapist with an extensive background in artistic, athletic, and corporate-world performance enhancement, general self-development, wide-ranging behavior modification, childhood trauma, PTSD, and addiction recovery. His innovative techniques and curriculums have been meticulously developed over the last two decades with the direct support of celebrated epigenetics scientist, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton of Stanford University School of Medicine. Vandervoort speaks from a position of understanding, gained only through direct personal knowledge.

Founder @ Radical Freedom Project Intl.
Executive Director @ CFPI (501c3)

Mindy Vandervoort

Throughout her life and career, Mindy has embodied the energy that motivates action. She has over twenty years of creative visionary experience in corporate settings, leading numerous planning and development projects. Her education and background are in sociology, marketing, public relations, and nutrition. She has held top-level corporate positions, which include sales manager, international event coordinator, and public relations director. As the Community Service Organizer, Mindy has been strategically positioned to capitalize upon her well-developed skills in interpersonal communications and building authentic relationships. She oversees the nutritional aspects of the Radical Freedom Program as the organization seeks to improve the overall mental, emotional, spiritual and physical health of all participants and research partners. On top of these responsibilities, she also manages the intricacies of her husband's, Dwayne, entire schedule. Mindy and Dwayne have worked side-by-side, developing and building their dreams, for more than twenty-five years.

President @ RFPI Inc.
Founder @ Radical Freedom Project Intl.
Division Coordinator @ RFPI

I don't feel that I have come to Earth to get some "thing" or anything at all. I am here to give everything.

Health & Nutrition Specialist
Community Service Organizer Visionary Level Master Instructor

I am very enthusiastic about the Vision Journaling program because it has placed emphasis on a scientific foundation.

Best Selling Author
International Speaker
Medicatl School Professor
Epigenetics Research Scientist

Bruce H. Lipton Ph.D.

Without Dr. Lipton's groundbreaking research and his unrelenting efforts in the fields of cellular biology and epigenetic science, in the face of mountains of resistance, and without his ongoing direct support of the work of Dwayne and Mindy Vandervoort, now for over a decade, there would be no Crestone Freedom Project Intl., no VJ LIVE™, and no foundation from which to have developed these life–engineering tools, now poised to be a life-changing resource for young and old alike, on a global scale! Dr. Lipton has brought to the world an understanding of how life expresses through the human biological mechanism to become manifest reality in an undeniable and clear manner, such that all with an open mind and ear, may gain insight into the nature of destiny, how it is formed, how it may be reformed, right down to the structure of our DNA. We wish to recognize "Bruce" for his great gifts to this organization and the continuity of its intention, his loving kindness to everyone he meets, and his contributions to the education and evolution of the living beings of the Earth and beyond. There are no words big enough to cover this gratitude.

Science Advisor @RFPI™

Meet Our Founding Partners


Mecca Wagner-Brown

Hypnotherapist | EFT Specialist
Visionary Level Master Instructo
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Joe Tabbanella

Certified NLP Instructor
Life Engineering Programming

Sol Mustafa

Health & Wellness Coach
Radical Freedom Facilitator
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Rachelle Darling

Visionary Level Master Instructor
Radical Freedom Facilitator
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