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Four Principle Elements of the
Radical Freedom Program

Select options from the outline below that best serve your needs and fit your schedule.

I. Vision Journaling


General Group

Hosted by

Multiple Facilitators

Known as "GnGrp" on the Opportunity Calendar. These are standard support groups for all members enrolled in our programs. Come to be accepted just as you are. Come to be embraced as part of the RFP family, be supported, be heard, and be loved. All of our groups, classes, and supports are judgement–free zones. You are welcome here, you are wanted here, you are important here, and you are needed.


RFP Process Help

Hosted by

Multiple Facilitators

These sessions are for learning and practicing the principles of the varous elements of the Radical Freedom Program with guidance and the support of your peers. Here your questions can be addressed and new subjects introduced to propel you forward toward the inevitable success that you seek. Come together weekly and look deeply into each aspect, discuss challenges, ask questions, practice, and grow into a powerful engineer of your life experience!

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Book Nook

Hosted by

Multiple Facilitators

As you will note, daily participation in some form of enriching material is part of Vision Journaling. In this group, we come together to reflect upon our from many of the greatest books ever written. Many have referred to this single opportunity offering as their greatest source of change. There is something about the accountability factor of study groups that supercharges each of our intention to learn and grow.

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Mapping You

Hosted by

Multiple Facilitators

Power statement development is the focus as we tap down into the layers of unconsciousness. When Mind Map alignment occurs, the magic of that harmonious balance begins to express and reality begins to shift in an observable and measurable way. During these group meetings, those changes may be reported, supported, and celebrated in open discussion. Here you will learn the techniques of rewiring the neural network.



with Nature

Hosted by

Jonathan Jobe

Each of us who represents the one of us is not only surrounded at every point of the cosmos by the beauty of nature, we ARE nature itself! Nature is not a separate "thing" apart from us. It is in every aspect a collective out–pictured expression of us, each of us, all of us. Every boson, quark, electron, proton, neutron, atom, molecule, cell, and organism is a rearrangement of the same basic elements animated by the power of life itself! Join Jonathan and reconnect to the source of that power.

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Feature Friday


Hosted by

Rotating RFPI Facilitators

Something fun, inspiring, educational, enlightening or all of the above is always in the que for this Friday group favorite. Whether it is a movie, a documentary, lecture, or a series, those who gather for these meetings, come away with more than they came with. Every participant has the opportunity to discuss their take–aways, stimulate conversation, and ask questions. It's a great way to learn, to connect and to make life-long friends.


Nature's Path

Hosted by

Mecca Wagner–Brown

Together, we discover the wisdom of the ancients, hidden secrets of the magical realms of nature, treasures of our surprisingly magnificent universe, and explore new thoughts for today's world.  Here we come back to the basics and ground ourselves to the Earth, as we integrate the movement of the planets, the moon, earth’s free energy, our individual energy, protections, and mindfulness with the intent to bring balance to our lives and create deep connections.


Self-Care Support

Hosted by

Rachelle Darling

One of our primary program intentions is to resolve separation where it exists within our physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual bodies. Almost all of the initial sensations of separateness arise out of a fundatmental disconnect from one's self and filter out into other dimensions of our psyche. The Radical Freedom Program, through its foundational element of Vision Journaling, calls our attention to who we truly are through a deep self–awareness, conscious self–care, and  authentic loving of the self. Begin here by caring for YOU.

II. Radical Release


Timeline Therapy

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

A form of psychotherapy that was developed by Dr. Tad James. The theory behind it is based on the idea that we store our memories linearly, from the present moment back into the past. Sometimes certain experiences become “trapped” in our minds. These may prevent us from moving forward. This method helps release trapped memories. Dwayne is a certified practitioner of Timeline Therapy and NLP and uses this method effectively for groups.

Story Centrifuge

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

A centrifuge is commonly known as a device used to separate something into its different parts, such as blood into white and red cells. In this group, we develop the art of separating the "stories" we've collected during our lives, into the perhaps not-so-obvious parts of fact vs. perception. The process is eye-opening and when mastered, becomes a way of experiencing the ability to separate these parts in real time. The result is incredibly liberating.



Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

A transformative traditional Hawaiian self-healing method, based on the principle of taking full responsibility for everything that happens in our lives. In Hawaiian practices, we have a spiritual, mental, and emotional body, all part of our physical body. The healing art of Ho'oponopono is to connect these three minds and process healing the world by healing oneself. It's like a mental workout, for building emotional resilience and harmony.


Tapping, also known as EFT, or Emotional Freedom Technique, is a powerful stress relief technique that employs a precise method of light "tapping." Tapping is based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology. Mecca is a highly trained, EFT practitioner. With her knowledge and experience, she will lead the group in emotional freedom work, helping to alleviate fears, uncertainty, self-esteem and self-worth challenges, and much more.

Tapping Into You

Hosted by

Mecca Wagner–Brown


Vale Diem

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

Letting go of the dirt and grit of the day's journey defines the practice of Vale Diem, two Latin words meaning literally "farewell the day."  That is to say, release the day while retaining the learnings, the joys, the love and progress upon our path to our greatest–yet–to–be. We cling to nothing in this practice, we only allow ourselves to have been a witness to beauty and love as we move into preparation for the rest, recovery and processing of coming sleep.

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Any time is a great time to take time to entertain a new thought, turn within, rediscover our life–giving breath and the ever–abiding peace that is our true nature. Lunch Break is designated as just such a time for a short reading, inspiring music, contemplation, deep breathing, more valuable content of conversation and the loving support of a community that quickly becomes family. Days just go better when we rest, breathe and release the stress, anxiety, or coagulating tension.

Lunch Break

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort


Inner Child Care

Hosted by

Rachelle Darling

Inner child work is a therapeutic approach that focuses on addressing the emotional state of one’s inner child. We all have an internal, emotional child-like state that harbors unprocessed pain, neglect related to trauma or dysfunction from childhood. We use inner child therapeutic processes in this group to help people connect to and communicate with their inner child and to release trauma or other maladaptive states.

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This is a group for those who wish to be a help to others. You do not need to call yourself a healer to have a valuable place here. All that is required is a genuine desire to aid others as they release the energy of suffering. We gather weekly to set a collective healing intention, based upon the concept of a collective consciousness as all of us and each one of us come into alignment with the highest version of our self.

The Healer's Way

Hosted by

Rotating RFPI Facilitators



Hosted by

Rachelle Darling

Lucid dreaming allows individuals to actively participate in their dreams and manipulate the dream environment, which can lead to improved problem-solving skills in waking life and the release of sabotaging subconscious programs. Lucid dreams may increase self-awareness by allowing individuals to observe thoughts and emotions in a delta state, which can lead to deeper understandings of the self. Come dream and share with us!


Sound Bath

Hosted by

Rotating RFPI Facilitators

This is sound wave therapy, energetic rejuvenation, chakra realignment, or just a feel-good experience of meditation.. Make yourself comfortable in advance. This practice is typically experienced in a prone position, but can be modified to your own preference. As always, the greatest value of these groups is often reported to be in the interactive/sharing nature of them and the sense of connection to a community that loves and supports you.

III. Visomeditative Imaging

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Paths of Joy

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

One of the primary cornerstones of Vision Journaling is the practice of gratitude, but in a form that few have ever taken on. During these guided journeys, Dwayne takes participants seamlessly into a space of therapeutic imagery using his own signature method, known world-wide as Visomeditative Imagery™. 

VMI sessions rotate through a variety of journeys listed here. In time, the neural rewiring occurs automatically!


Step Into Intention

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

The power of intention is looked at and practiced in a unique form through this program. That method of seeing how we will show up in the world, for the day, on a special occasion, or to fulfill a purpose that is rising up within us, is made simple during these sessions.

VMI sessions rotate through a variety of journeys listed here. In time, the neural rewiring occurs automatically!


Opening to Purpose

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

Discovering one's purpose in life, looking into the reality of what makes us truly fulfilled and brings us peace, can be a task that many don't know how to begin. These journeys are a starting point in this great discovery of YOU. Deep within, the answers await our uncovering of them!

VMI sessions rotate through a variety of journeys listed here. In time, the neural rewiring occurs automatically!


Exploring the Deep

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

Let us come together and investigate the contents of our subconscious mind. So much awaits us there, and its revealing holds the keys to understanding many of our own greatest mysteries. Why do we feel the way we do, make the decisions we make, and believe so strongly?

VMI sessions rotate through a variety of journeys listed here. In time, the neural rewiring occurs automatically!


Nature Speaks

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

Journey with Dwayne to animal kingdoms high and low to commune with beings of light, love, and a variety of perspectives that live in the subonscious mind of us all. This is a new modality that Dwayne has been working to develop for some time, and now its time to hear something new!

VMI sessions rotate through a variety of journeys listed here. In time, the neural rewiring occurs automatically!



Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

Meet the archetypes that have a very real existence in the subconscious part of your mind. Dr. Carl Jung pioneered these understandings in the early 20th century, and what we are able to gain by investigating them, in the form of revealing answers to deep questions, is profoundly powerful.

VMI sessions rotate through a variety of journeys listed here. In time, the neural rewiring occurs automatically!


Cell Command Therapy

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

A treatment based on the premise that each of our cells has a brain of its own. We came here, perfect. Every system was perfect, and the body’s ability to heal itself was intact. We have been marvelously encoded for life, and our mind retains the memory of what it was like when we were perfect. As we remember this, we are able to reveal it.

VMI sessions rotate through a variety of journeys listed here. In time, the neural rewiring occurs automatically!

IV. Life Engineering

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Evolving Conscious

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

This class will takes us to a more complete understanding of the stages in the development of consciousness that go far beyond an elemental "Manifestor Consciousness."  Very often, modern teaching points to the capacity to manifest desires into reality as a point of having arrived at the pinnacle of success. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, stopping at this stage could very well be the beginning of our downfall. Let us look beyond! 


Visioning Process

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

In "Evolving Mind" classes, we learn that what we think we want and what we are here to be, have, and do are often not the same. How many people have you known or heard of who got everything they believed would make them happy, only to discover that they remained most miserable? It is so very common. In this group, you will be introduced to a very special practice, through which you will discover what it is that is calling to your heart!


Vipassanna Insula

Hosted by

Dwayne Vandervoort

The ancient mindfulness meditation traditions of Vipassana are taught and practiced as a fundamental basis upon which the Radical Freedom Program is founded. Each participant will be guided through an understanding of the principles and over time will develop a mastery of process. The benefits are far reaching and last a lifetime. This form is regularly utilized in a wide variety of programs around the world for the purposes of achieving a harmonious life.


Law of Attraction

Hosted by

Joe Tabbanella

To have and experience something outside, you must first have and experience it inside. The state of the wish fulfilled is how we communicate to the subconscious mind. Joe will guide you into imprinting your desired outcome so that your subconscious mind receives the order clearly. Practicing focus, positive expectancy, desire and gratitude simultaneously creates magic. Come and do some positive magic with the best in the business, instructor, Joe Tabbanella.


Alpha Up Hypnosis

Hosted by

Joe Tabbanella

Scientifically validated to positively  affect the central nervous system and increase heart rate variability, Joe will guide you through the Alpha Up Hypnosis™ process. By maintaining alpha synchronization, negative emotions that block your desired manifestations are more easily integrated and dissolved. Joe has measured consistent significant increases in alpha waves in the brain and HRV in the body while engaging in this process. He will be presenting images and video as evidence to his simple but powerful process.


Fit for Life

Hosted by

Mindy Vandervoort

Becoming fit for the rest of our lives is about the foods we eat and so much more. Join Mindy's super support group weekly as they come together in a judgment-free zone to fill key supportive roles in each other's journey toward a holistic state where body, mind, and spirit come together in support of a lifestyle that is truly fit for life! This is a sharing and caring, giving and receiving group. Taking control of the physcial health of the body in which we are living our lives, is a significant piece of the life–engineering puzzle.




Hosted by

Mecca Wagner–Brown

Mecca will share natural remedies, plants, herbs, and more that promote healing and assist in maintaining a healthy physical body. Participants will be encouraged to share their concerns regarding their individual needs, or the needs of others they know. Future sessions may include recommendations specific to a participant's personal needs, inquiries, or both. There is much to be learned in the ancient wisdom teachings, and the use of natural remediation methods pre-dating western medicine is on the list.



Hosted by

Mindy Vandervoort

Mornings don't start any better than with nutritious hydration of the body temple, cultivation of the mind with readings of inspired texts, flexing and stretching the whole body with yoga, and sitting with friends who care to begin the day connecting with you in community. This group is for the young, the old and for every possible age in between. It is for those just beginning as well as the more advanced. Everyone brings something unique to our groups, and all are necessary! Get your day started with us and feel the difference all day long. 

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