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Vision Journaling Process Flow Chart

The Vision Journaling process promotes positive change upon the following human psychological aspects:ā€‹

  • A sense of self-knowledge and acceptance
  • A sense of purpose and vision
  • A heightened sense of gratitude
  • Dedication to continued learning and personal growth
  • Connection to one's spiritual nature
  • Interconnectedness with the natural environment
  • An ability to forgive and connect with healthy relationships
  • Heightened cognitive ability and concentration
  • An understanding of how to create a life most desired
  • Ability to see oneself living the life they most desire

A More Detailed Analysis

Developing an understanding of how the Vision Journaling™ process works is best begun with the following thought experiment. What would you say are the top three reasons why the vast majority of people never go where they want to go, do what they want to do, become whomever they most desire to be, or accomplish the things they wish to accomplish in their lifetime? The answers are simple ones: The majority of peopleā€‹ do not know where, do not know what, nor do they understand how to, and thus never begin going where they want to go, doing what they want to do, developing into the person they most desire to be or moving toward that which they wish to accomplish in their lifetime.ā€‹ Unfortunately for many of our young, these ideas have never even occurred to them in significant measure.


These are three basic causes for lives lived as an effect of circumstance or happenstance.ā€‹ā€‹ They are the facts at the root of infinite procrastination, less-than-ideal paths taken, and missed opportunities to express the unlimited greatness within and to bring into material reality the infinite possibilities once so richly our own as children. We are each born with inherent gifts awaiting an opening through which they may leap into expression as our very lives! Our visions of magnificence are but a memory of what can and should be our experienced reality. If we can but see it, we can believe it, and then, will we be it! 


The Vision Journaling™ method has evolved through Dwayne Vandervoort as he has followed the guidance of masters in the understanding of consciousness, such as Dr. Bruce Lipton, during a decade-long journey in meditation. The result has been the gradual unfolding of a radically effective process of reconnecting individuals with the power to determine their own destiny. The method works by establishing powerful connections in five key areas of focus (described below). A powerful and clear vision begins to emerge out of this renewed sense of connectivity, and a clear and believable plan for living the life we are now able to see comes into view. From these small shifts in perception, motivation arises, progressive actions inevitably become routine daily activities. With continued practice, a deep-seated hope sets in, faith is born, and the greatest "miracle" of the universe is witnessed - manifestation - the very process of creation!


While not nearly as advanced in technique or purpose as the Vision Journaling™ method, since the 10th century, widely known and accepted standards of "journaling" have been recognized as a healthy and creative vehicle for emotional expression. In recent history, even these common journaling practices have been found to be an effective method to reduce stress, cultivate improved self-awareness, and relationships (Purcell, 2006). For years, standard journaling practices have been recognized as an evidence-based technique and widely utilized for achieving overarching positive mental and physical health results (Redwine et al., 2016; Smyth et al., 2018; Stapleton et al., 2021; Stice et al., 2007). For instance, journaling increases self-efficacy and locus of control (Fritson, 2007).


The Vision Journaling™ method is far more advanced than the standards mentioned above and plays a vital role in promoting well-being and self-development. The process has profound effects upon connectivity as it pertains to external and internal human interactions and perceptions of the environment in which one participates. As will be described in the “Methods of Procedure” section below, Vision Journaling™ is a carefully structured collection of nine distinct journaling activities, working synergistically to address five areas of the human experience, individually and as an aggregate. The method is further supported with daily live group participation opportunities, twice-daily meditation options, and enrichment groups that incorporate learning as a method for change. The program is facilitated by highly trained and experienced professionals, including licensed mental health counselors, meditation instructors, certified addiction counselors, and a variety of support personnel. Currently, the program has captured the attention of Adams State University Dept. of Psychology administrators and is set to enter a one-year supervised research project, on campus, utilizing the student body volunteers as a sample.


Five Focal Areas of Connection in Vision Journaling™


  • Self: Self-schemas, both positive and maladaptive, are promoted and maintained by an individual’s accumulated knowledge about themselves (Hazel, 1977) and are related to current and future behavior (Markus & Nurius, 1986), as well as personal connectivity. Many of the Vision Journaling™ activities are precisely targeted at the promotion of a deeper sense of connection, understanding, and valuation of self, which has been demonstrated to be effective in promoting well-being throughout the physical, emotional, and spiritual human complex (Cámara & Calvete, 2012; Chen et al., 2021; Schmidt & Joiner, 2004; Watson, 2018). At this level, the possibility of adverse childhood trauma is recognized and addressed as possible causation of disassociative symptoms that participants may encounter within.


  • Relationships: Promoting and strengthening interpersonal social, familial, and romantic relationships is a primary point that is addressed within the framework of the Vision Journaling™ process. The benefits are far-reaching, as indicated by the large body of research on the subject (Holt-Lunstad, Smith, & Layton, 2010). An individual’s ability to feel supported, loved, and accepted by those in his or her present social environment, as well as confidence in forming new relational bonds, plays heavily upon that individual’s degree of mental and physical health (Toussaint, Shields, & Slavich, 2016 ).


  • Spiritual Nature: Research suggests that people who have a spiritual connection with a source beyond the separate egoic idea of individuality tend to possess a higher meaning for life and greater resilience overall (Ivtzan et al., 2013). Evidence also demonstrates that spirituality is related to lower health problems (Besharat, Ramesh & Moghimi, 2018) and better coping strategies (Büssing, Ostermann, & Matthiessen, 2007). The Vision Journaling™ process embraces a conscious development of one’s spiritual nature, while at no time advocating for or against organized religion. Nor is our acceptance of the spiritual nature of human beings a recognition or denunciation of a personal “God.” Vision Journaling™ activities, which focus on spirituality and accentuate the participant's conscious recognition of it, and participation in it, are geared toward qualities more refined than physical matter and are personal to the respective participant. What those qualities entail may vary significantly among participants and is not dictated or suggested by any feature of the journaling process.


  • Natural Environment: As the world has entered a new age of technology in the last 125 years, so have the behaviors of the human species everywhere. In many cases, video games replace actual sporting events or “playing in the dirt,” and social media tethers individuals to the unreality of tiny screens and text messages. The Vision Journaling™ process prompts the participant for an increasing level of daily activity in a natural “green” environment and a journal entry to record the experience. Research has shown that 200-300 minutes a week in nature provides significant cognitive and physical benefits (Keniger et al., 2013; White et al., 2019).


  • Vision or Purpose: An intentional visioning of life, as one desires it to be, contemplation of personal talents and purpose for existing, and the drafting of a specific, action-driven plan for bringing that vision into reality is a critical component and focal point of the Vision Journaling™ method. This technique of enhancing awareness of an individual’s specific plan and envisioning a desired future state has been found to be an effective method of cultivating purpose (Schippers & Ziegler, 2019) and has been shown to increase a sense of desire that compels action (Bundick, 2011).


We believe that, as the numerous studies referenced above have shown, these five areas of focus are critical to one's overall sense of welfare. An individual’s mental health, physical soundness, perception of their environment, and longevity of life are dependent upon the state of mind or consciousness that results from their ability to promote and maintain harmony and balance in these areas. As stated earlier, out of an enhanced sense of connectivity, flows a powerfully expanded vision for one's life, a radically enhanced perception for accomplishing it, motivation to take incremental daily actions, hope for a self-determined future, faith in its inevitability, and ultimately the inescapable demonstration of that vision in material reality. Through the development of daily practice and ongoing VJ LIVE group support, the Vision Journaling™ method simply works!



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Methods of Procedure 


The proprietary and principal physical device utilized is the online Vision Journaling Worksheet©. The sheet itself sets in motion a multifaceted address of the human psyche, specifically aimed toward the task of bringing a deeper, more enriched experience of connection to the five areas of focus summarized above. The worksheet engages subconscious motor functions. However, the technique directly calls for conscious activity and action as well. Instruction in basic mindfulness practice and most effective times of the day for entry is given and encouraged, specifically for the purpose of softening the cooperative interplay and responsivity between conscious and subconscious mind – also referred to as the analytical mind or the critical mind filter.


Practitioners will engage in structured daily journaling and group meetings throughout the term of their enrollment in the program. Below we have provided a very brief summary of the various elements of the Vision Journaling Worksheet© daily process. In addition, groups of participants meet weekly, via the VJ LIVE meeting interface or locally in person where possible. Group interaction is an integral part of the method as it provides motivation, support with processing difficult subject matter, overall feedback, and accountability.ā€‹


  • Gratitude: Each day’s worksheet begins with the practice of feeling the sensations of gratitude for something already present in the participant’s life or for that which is desired.


  • Intentions: Sets up a focus for the day by spending a few brief moments contemplating, not only “what” the participant wants to accomplish, as in a to-do list, but “how” the participant desires to live the day. This section is closely related to affirmation.


  • Note on the Day: A short section set aside to notate anything significant that the participant would like to remember from the events of the day.


  • Study Quotations: Each participant is encouraged to always be in the process of reading something inspiring, even if that means only a few pages every day. This section is for recording something worthwhile from that practice, remembering that the ideomotor aspect of writing works as a penetrant to critical mind filtering and allows for deeper absorption.


  • Mindfulness Notations: A few moments of mindfulness practice are encouraged immediately preceding all Vision Journaling™ entries for the “softening” of critical mind filtering. This entry is a record of insights, ideas, visuals, or arbitrary thought processes that may emerge during the short practices. Alternatively, participants often choose to write their prayers in this section. The effect is profound.


  • Activity In Nature: Participants are called upon to set time aside daily to engage in an activity that places them in direct contact with their natural environment. This could be as simple as a walk down a wooded path, five minutes in the garden pulling weeds, a round of golf, birdwatching, writing a poem under a tree or by a stream, sitting near a lake watching the ducks, kicking back against a rock with eyes closed listening to the birds and feeling the breeze, or standing in a snowstorm. Whatever the activity, the method indicates that it be down while in an increased or heightened state of awareness of the chosen environment and its impact on the body complex.


  • Storytime Centrifuge: Every person has their stories – stories that go back to earliest memories of who did what to them, why they did it, what it felt like, and how it has affected them in so many deep ways. Many of our stories come from seemingly insignificant events of a normal day that have caused irritation, hard feelings, or a general sense of malaise. The standard human operating procedure is to “hang on” to these stories for long, possibly infinite, periods of time, building upon them, feeling into them, and allowing them to bring about maximum levels of discomfort. The Storytime Centrifuge is where those stories get processed – the facts of what happened are separated from the emotional “storytelling” that takes place around those facts. This is the space for letting go.


  • Life Activation Station: Each participant will receive points for pre-determined actions that promote the activation of their life vision. Some of these actions are created by the participant and others by the Vision Journaling™ program itself. Points come with rewards. For college students, or prospective college students, who participate in research projects with the organization, direct payment scholarships may be awarded out of the Crestone Freedom Project Intl Scholarship Fund. Many other rewards are also available and the program embraces an eight-level grade system that takes the participant from a beginner into mastery. This system is heavily dependant upon participant scoring.


  • Mind Map: This section of the Vision Journaling™ process is where the individual expresses, in tightly structured, handwritten, affirmative terms, precise details of the life and qualities they desire. Each term is custom-fitted with an accompanying visual clip, consciously activated with every journal entry. Lifetime accomplishments, career goals, skill sets, health and wellness, and daily excellence targets are all addressed. Extreme care is given to languaging. These details are visualized and written each night just prior to sleep, engaging ideomotor functions and the subconscious mind while taking advantage of brainwave shifts into the delta and beginning theta states. Thus, the process of conscious and deliberate visioning works in tandem with the physical body in forming neuropathways to accommodate the necessary activities of a newly manifesting life.ā€‹

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