I'm Mecca, and I'm on a mission to stimulate awareness that the power of the mind and life energy is within all of us. I do this from within a safe, non-judgmental, supportive space and for the purpose of facilitating change for a fulfilling life. I coach clients on breathwork, meditation, mindfulness, qigong, and yoga. I view individuals as unique souls having a human experience. Everyone has a story, and we all have a right to reinvent ourselves, change, and grow while forgiving and releasing the past.
My Story
Practicing meditation, self-hypnosis, yoga, and energy balancing at a very young age placed me on a path of mindfulness and an interest in healing. I lived the first fourteen years of this life in Toledo, Ohio and then moved to Phoenix, Arizona, which offered freedom and expression. Establishing myself as an honors student as well as an athlete was the focus of my early life as well as coping with various traumas that make my life story unique.
I entered college in pre-med and then shifted to my passion for human behavior and declared a dual major. I earned a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology and kinesiology. I met the father of my daughter. That took me on a path I'd not intended. This path included a seventeen-year toxic relationship, marriage and divorce, a daughter, a mental break, a long tenure in the corporate world, and a personal healing journey. I now realize that all these have served as a catalyst for finding who I really am.
Throughout my life, I have maintained the intention to eventually come back to the path of my passion, and now I have. I've obtained a yoga teacher certification, qigong teacher training, hypnotherapist certification, and emotional freedom techniques certification. Eventually, I took an even bigger leap, changed careers completely, and opened a private holistic healing practice, offering a variety of services to help people live their best lives.
Since opening my practice, I've published two books, served as a founding member of Vision Journaling™ and been a guest speaker for various groups on subjects dealing with living life in balance and using natural remedies for healing. I also began offering mindfulness classes at the Ironwood Cancer Treatment & Research Center and accepted a seat as chair of the board of directors with Crestone Freedom Project International, a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Sharing my energy, expertise, learnings, and guidances, developed over a lifetime of personal experience, is my purpose in life.
Immediately to the right is a photo of my daughter, who is also my best friend. She entered the Ph.D. program at the UW, Madison in 2022. Her name is Shayla, and she is my pride and joy. I also have three rescued and adopted fur babies at home. Featured left to right and top to bottom are Chloe, Joseph, and Chance.

Please feel free to connect with me at my email. You may also text me at the number listed here.